Saturday 14 May 2016

The Cat i'th Well, Saltonstall Lane, Halifax HX2 7TS

This old inn lies in a small picturesque valley surprisingly close to the urban sprawl of HalifaxThe Cat i'th Well is a Timothy Taylor's tied house and great beer is guaranteed. A beer garden is attached.

There is a legend relating to the white rock behind the pub which says that the licensee must paint the rock white on a certain day of the year. If they fail to do this, the pub will fail.

The story says that Robin Hood started this custom after he befriended the landlord of the pub on his travels between Nottingham and Carlisle. The landlord had hidden Robin Hood in the pub – some say it was a priest’s hole – when the authorities were following him. The landlord’s reward was a share in some of Robin’s ill-gotten gains.

The money was hidden near to the rock, and the only way the landlord could find the money was to paint it yearly so that Robin Hood on his travels could see that the hoard was being looked after, because the stone was newly-painted

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